New Year’s Resolutions

Coffee cup on top of a book and a magazine


I wanted to make this post even though it’s a little different than what I normally do. I know all my posts are mostly fashion and at times beauty related but this time I wanted to talk resolutions with you.

At the end of every month I always take time to sit down and plan the following month in terms of my blog. It’s the best way to keep track of yourself and make sure you stay on point with your own deadlines. One of the hardest things that most people don’t realize about being a blogger is that you are your own boss and have to make sure that you have extreme discipline never to slack or get lazy. When you have a part time job or a salary, you know you have to go in at a certain time in the morning or you will be late. When you’re a blogger you set your own times. Although that may seem like a dream (believe me it definitely has its perks!) you have to be really strict with yourself to make sure you get all your work done on time. Consistency is key in the fashion world and if you don’t keep up with what you’re doing there is always someone else who will.

Looking Ahead

This made me start to think what goals do I want to set for myself for this coming year. January 3rd will be my two year anniversary of my blog. When I started this I truly had no idea what I was doing. I knew nothing about how to create a site, where to purchase a theme, let alone anything about CSS. Over the last two years I’ve honestly grown so much as a blogger but still have a long way to go.

This past summer, after I finally graduated college, I’m was able to focus on my blog full time. I truly love blogging. There’s nothing that gives me so much joy in terms of a career. I love that I get to connect with people and possibly give them some guidance or inspiration with fashion.

With that being said most of my resolutions are solely focused on my blog but I also want to make sure that I have some personal resolutions as well. I really want to focus more on Instagram to build a significant following as well as hone in my skills in photography but I want to make sure to have a few personal resolutions towards self happiness.

Setting Your Resolutions

This is where I want to talk to you about your resolutions. I really urge you to take some time, sit back with a pen and paper and really reflect on what you want in your life. What you would like to accomplish that would truly make you happy. Even if you think it’s so out of reach, write it down. Writing things down and putting them on paper instead of on a computer or your phone makes it more real. It makes the act of what you want to accomplish more doable. Having your resolutions written on your phone in a notepad app will cause you to end up forgetting about it. However, if you take time to write it out on a nice piece of paper and hang it somewhere where you will see it everyday, it will help you reach your goals. If you want your resolutions to remain private that’s totally okay too! Just put them in the first page of a notebook that you always use that only you will see. Just make sure that you have them within view so you don’t forget. We all know,

“Out of site, out of mind.”

So you want to make sure to keep a constant reminder of what you want to achieve for yourself!

I want you to do this with me so we can reach our goals for the upcoming year!

I’m very excited to see what 2018 will have in store for us. I hope that each and everyone of you will have an amazing new year and I wish you truly all the very best in health, happiness, and all the goals you wish to achieve this year!





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